We are often asked: “Who uses NeurOptimal®?”

Our answer: “Anyone with a Brain”

Would you like to

  • Feel more alert?

  • Sleep better?

  • Be more focused?

  • Cope more effectively?

  • Manage anxiety?

This is because training your brain with NeurOptimal® will get you functioning at your best, WHATEVER THAT BEST IS. It is used by peak performing athletes, artists, and businesspeople who want to achieve and maintain their edge. It is also used by individuals who feel they are not functioning at their best, including many adults and children with severe impairments, who want a drug-free approach to feeling and functioning optimally.

Each NeurOptimal session lasts about 35 minutes.


Although NeurOptimal Brain Training is not a medical treatment for illness, it has provided many clients relief. Over time, clients report improvements such as:

  • Feeling More Rested

  • Feeling More Malm

  • Greater Focus

  • Enhanced Learning Capacity

  • Increased Ability to Cope With Stress

  • Feeling More Confident

  • Increasing Energy

  • Improving Skin Elasticity

A recent comment about the effects of NeurOptimal:

“Immediately after my first session I saw a drastic change in my sleep. I had just moved into my new house and I was unable to adjust to the new environment. The night following my first NeurOptimal session I fell asleep easily and slept through the entire night for the first time in what felt like forever. After my continued use of NeurOptimal I have noticed how much easier I am able to deal with stress and adapt to new changes within my day to day routine. I can’t wait to see the benefits that will arise when I continue NeurOptimal into the school year!” – Anna G.

How it Works

Before you begin your session, a trainer places two sensors on your scalp to read electrical signals in your brain. Three sensors are applied to your ears to ground the scalp sensors. Next, you place headphones on to begin a session. Your job at this point is to sit back, relax and listen to beautiful, relaxing music.

When the NeurOptimal system detects inconsistencies in your brain activity, it uses a skip or pop in the music – almost like static – to signal your brain to alter its course. In this way, your brain is able to read back what it has done and make a change in performance accordingly. Throughout your session your brain is challenged to retrain itself to become more effective, more calm, and more balanced.

All you need to do is relax and listen to the music – you could even take a nap! Unlike other systems, NeurOptimal helps correct without the need for you to perform certain tasks or activities throughout the session.




NeuroFitness Counseling Services